NPC Study Data Warehouse
To make the study’s broad-ranging and original sources easily available to all participants, a data warehouse was developed. This provided for centralized management of the multidimensional data collected. By the time it concluded, the study had compiled and used nearly 100 energy forecasts or outlooks. These forecasts and several hundreds of papers/documents on various aspects of the energy sector were used in the interpretations that formed the basis of the study findings and recommendations. The data warehouse was designed to be the main analytical tool for the Task Groups, accepting all data collected from the survey questionnaire and other data sources. Data collected for the study included “Aggregated Proprietary” data from a survey of international oil companies and consultants, and “Wide Net” data from publicly available sources. Once in the data warehouse, selected values or ranges of values for any or all dimensions could be applied as a filter to enable analysis.
The National Petroleum Council has not endorsed or approved the contents of the study’s Data Warehouse but approved making this information available as part of the study process. The NPC believes that the information in the Data Warehouse will be of interest to the readers of the report and will help them better understand the study results. The structured data captured in the Data Warehouse for use in the NPC study, along with software to display data and graphics, are being made available in the interest of transparency. In broad terms, the Data Warehouse items included are
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• Adobe Reader (.pdf) • Microsoft Word (.doc) • Microsoft Excel (.xls) • Trendalyzer (provided, requires Windows operating system.) |
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